Feb 27, 2019
In this episode, we are going to show you how you can capitalize on Kickstarter’s more powerful tool—perhaps their most powerful tool—the Kickstarter algorithm…
⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:
1. Pre-launch marketing (including...
Feb 20, 2019
In this episode, we’re finally going to answer the age-old question that we probably get asked just as much as anything and, until this point, there’s never been a direct, straightforward answer to. The question: “Which platform should I choose for launching my campaign—Indiegogo or Kickstarter?” The answer...
Feb 13, 2019
In this episode, we are going to talk about goal-setting. Zach has spent a lot of time reading about goals, and so has Thomas; in fact, Thomas focused some of his Master’s Degree studies on goal-setting. But, today, we aren’t going to talk about what the academics, PhDs, or pundits say; instead, we are going to show...
Feb 6, 2019
In this episode, we’re going to walk you through the single-most-effective way to consistently raise money and even extrapolate how much money you’re going to raise. This approach has raised more money than all of our other methods and that’s why we saved this one for last. Let’s get started!